Saturday, 13 April 2013


Social accountability has been appreciated by the progressive farmers in Bukonzo County Constituency, Kasese district. BIC has mainstreamed social accountability in its information packages. A social accountability data base was established and was incorporated in BIC's M&E tools. The progressive farmers were retooled and have since participated in sub county budget and planning processes. BIC & RICNET worked together to ensure that the progressive farmers were trained in basic data management, public expenditure monitoring and application of ICT Tools like phones, computers in all their work. BIC also has a program of training farmers and the professional in basic computer skills. The products at BIC have proved to be well skilled and employable. In the last three years BIC has trained 48 ICT/IT student interns who have excelled in their project work due to the skills attained from BIC.

BIC is planning to open another product of a public library supported by Book Aid with assorted books on topical issues. BIC will continue to be a hub of information. Its upon that background that BIC and the Info Points that were established have contributed to the demystification of the cyber language and web/dot com world.

At BIC we believe in skills acquisition other than theory. You have to visit our school gardens that we have established in 19 Primary schools to get the best of parents efforts to contribute to food security. BIC with support from SNV has worked with the community, school management and pupils to join the food security boom. As we move towards the 2015 MDG target year, our major concern is the post 2015 which should not be a surprise but we should be well prepared to continue serving our target groups

We welcome to come and visit our progressive farmers, info points and the school gardens

Compiled by,
J B Odyek